Post A Swap/Sell/Buy Bulletin
This page will allow you to add, edit, or remove your swap/sell/buy bulletins. Follow the directions below.

Your swap/sell/buy posts are displayed below.
To add a new post: select 'Add A New Bulletin' from the list, fill out the form below, then click the Add Post button.
To edit a post: select an existing post from the list, make changes to the form below, then click the Edit Post button at the bottom of the page.
To remove a post: select an existing post from the list, then click the Remove Post button at the bottom of the page.
Do you wish to swap, sell, or buy?
Type a title for your bulletin. Maximum 40 characters.
Please provide a detailed description of the item and your contact information.
Enter a maximum of 2000 characters.
The bulletin will automatically expire after the selected duration. Expired bulletins are not deleted, but will no longer be displayed on the Swap/Sell/Buy page. You may repost expired bulletins or extend the expiration of an existing bulletin any time.
You may upload up to 3 photos to be shown with your bulletin. The first photo will be shown with the link on the Swap/Sell/Buy page. The other photos will be shown when users click your bulletin. To upload a photo: use the Browse button (or Choose File button in Safari), then click an upload button. Images may be of type PNG, JPG, or GIF. Images must be less than 2 MB in file size. If you need image editing software to touchup or resize your photos, try paint.net.
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http://baptistelake.org/ All materials copyright Baptiste Lake Association 2012