BLA Events
This page contains listings for events hosted by the Baptiste Lake Association. For community events, please see the Community Events page.

Canoe/Kayak Day
The group kayak trip was held at 10 am on July 20th. We travelled from Sunrise Lodge in Lavalley Bay to the High Falls Dam and back again. There were several kayaks, 2 paddle boards, one canoe and a rescue pontoon boat participating. There were some nasty head winds on the return journey but everyone persevered. Thankfully, no one needed to be rescued. The paddling was followed by a BBQ at Sunrise Cove. The event was very much enjoyed by all who participated. Thanks to Paul and Anne Coleman for hosting the BBQ.

Annual General Meeting
August 10th, 2024 - 10 am to noon. More details and agenda to follow.

Annual Corn Roast
Come share some corn, dogs and camaraderie at Camp Ponacka. September 1st, 2024 - 5 to 7 pm.

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For information on advertising on the BLA website and in the BLA newsletter, contact the BLA at MyBaptisteLake@gmail.com
https://baptistelake.org/ All materials copyright Baptiste Lake Association 2012
This page generated at 2024-07-27 02:47:17 EDT