Below you will find links to various environmental resources. Also, please see our Lake Plan page and documents.
Ontario Ministry Of Natural Resources
Ontario Ministry Of The Environment
Department Of Fisheries And Oceans
David Suzuki Foundation
Hastings And Prince Edward County Health Unit
Bancroft Area Stewardship Council
The Bancroft Field Naturalist Club
Watersheds Canada
Living in Bear Country
Hastings Highlands is bear country and bears love garbage. But with careful management of your waste, you can reduce the chance of attracting bears to your property:
- Do not stockpile garbage. Take it to the landfill frequently.
- Keep meat scraps and cooked food waste in the freezer until you are ready to take it to the landfill.
- Store garbage in a bear-resistant container, secure shed or garage.
- Never put meat, bones, fish or dairy products in your compost bin.
Waste Disposal
Please follow the link below for details on waste disposal in Hastings Highlands:
For further information on waste disposal please call 613-338-2811 Ext. 200 or visit http://www.hastingshighlands.ca

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