Community Events
This page contains listings for events hosted by the local community and of special interest to the Baptiste Lake community. If you have a community event that you would like posted here, please contact the BLA at MyBaptisteLake@gmail.com. For events specific to the Baptiste Lake Association, please see the BLA Events page. Additional community events can be found at mybancroftnow.com.

Pike Tournament
The Baptiste Pike Derby, held on July 6th, was a tremendous success. The goal to reduce the Pike population and support the lake fisheries environment for the future was effectively achieved.

Results are posted in the attached PDF file.

Thanks to the Baptiste Fish Derby Committee (Mike Di Cintio, Paul Coleman, and Gary Pirko) and the BLA executive for organizing another successful tournament. Also thanks to all the sponsors for providing prizes.

An even bigger and better Derby is planned for 2025. Stay tuned.

Pike Derby Results 2024.pdf

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https://baptistelake.org/ All materials copyright Baptiste Lake Association 2012
This page generated at 2024-07-27 03:58:07 EDT