The Lake Plan
A Lake Plan is an action plan to conserve, protect and enhance the features that make Baptiste Lake special. The purposes of a Lake Plan are to:
  • Identify and protect lake values
  • Promote community discussion and action
  • Educate and communicate
  • Establish environmental and social objectives
  • Set measurable indicators of health
  • Recommend land use policy
  • Guide stewardship actions

Please see the document below for further information about The Baptiste Lake Plan.

Baptiste Lake Plan Fall 2009

The lake plan is always in need of volunteers. Please contact mybaptistelake@gmail.com to find out how you can volunteer your time to help support the lake plan.

All of the documents on this page are in PDF format and require Adobe Reader to view them. Adobe Reader is available for download here.
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https://baptistelake.org/ All materials copyright Baptiste Lake Association 2012
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