Oxygen and Temperature measurements
On Monday October 2, 2023, Gary Pirko, a BLA Director and 2 representatives from the Fish Hatchery, did Temp and Dissolved Oxygen (DO) testing in the deep Main basin of Baptiste Lake, at 29.93 meters. Results are recorded in the Main Basin Water Testing 20231002.xlsx spreadsheet. Included in this spreadsheet is a tab ('Main Basin Baptiste') charting measurements as far back as 2013. Measurements taken at Bowers point are also included in the 'Main Basin Baptiste' tab.
The BLA is working with the Fish Hatchery and Watersheds Canada to convince the Ontario MNRF to allow the Hatchery to approve a restocking program in Baptiste Lake. The measurements documented here are required by the MNRF to aid in their decision-making process.
The 'Baptiste vs Wollaston' tab compares measurements taken this year on Baptiste Lake and Wollaston Lake. The MNRF currently monitors the Lake Trout population in Wollaston Lake.
Click here to download the spreadsheet with the results.

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